Mahadev status in marathi मराठ्यात महादेव दर्जा त्याची गणना केली जात नाही , वजनही नाही , मी जेव्हा जेव्हा माझे महाकाल देतो तेव्हा तो माझे हृदय उघडतो ..! दु : खाची वेळ त्याला घाबरवू शकत नाही . कोणतीही शक्ती पराभूत करू शकत नाही , आणि ज्यावर तुझे सौंदर्य माझे # महादेव असेल मग हे जग ते मिटवू शकत नाही ..! जय महाकाल त्याचा अकाली मृत्यू झाला, चंदलसाठी जे काही काम करते ..! काळ त्याला खराब कसे करू शकतो, नशिब काहीही असो # महाकाळ ..! भोळे यांच्या दरबारात जग बदलले, वास्तविकतेने हाताची रेषा बदलली, जो मनापासून महादेवाचे नाव घेतो, त्याचे नशिब झटपट बदलते ..!
Mahadev status in marathi मराठ्यात महादेव दर्जा Shankar or Mahadev is one of the most important deities in the Aranya culture, which is later known as Sanatana Shiva Dharma. He is a god in the trinity. He is also called Mahadev, the God of Gods. He is also known by the names Bholenath, Shankar, Mahesh, Rudra, Neelkanth, Gangadhar etc. In Tantra Sadhana, he is also known as Bhairava. Hindu Shiva Gharma is one of the main deities of Shiva-dharma. His name is Rudra in the Vedas. It is the conscience of a person's consciousness. His name of Ardhangini (Shakti) is Parvati. His sons are Kartikeya and Ganesh, and daughter Ashok Sundari. Shiva is seen as a yogi in most paintings and is worshiped in both Shivalinga and idol forms. The serpent god Vasuki is enthroned in Shiva's neck and holds damru and trident in his hands. He lives in Kailash. This is the basis of Shaivism. Shakti is worshiped in all forms with Shiva in this opinion. Mahadev status in marathi मराठ्या...